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Alex Howard Profile

Alex Howard Profile

       At one point in time we all drift away and dream about rocking out on stage in front of thousands of screaming fans. Whether it is the first time we pick up an instrument, attending a concert live or viewing on television, we all imagine it. Alex has taken that dream and turned it into his own reality.

       Growing up in Manteo, North Carolina, a small beach town. Alex has found himself tearing up stages across America and the world as a vocalist and guitarist. Currently playing guitar for Hoodie Allen.

        Humble and appreciative towards his craft, Alex discusses the Risks he took in order to get his music career to where it is today - as he continues to push the envelope to reach new grounds. 

       Alex touches on the importance of being True to yourself, friends and family. The value of believing, putting in the work and being a good person - While climbing the ladder in a cut-throat industry where your reputation is everything.

Social Media: @AlexMarkHoward

What part of your JOURNEY gives you daily purpose? 

"I realize that I have been afforded some incredible opportunities throughout my career, so I really do appreciate every show and every tour. I’ve been able to see the world through music for a long time now, and I never want to take that for granted, because I know it will not last forever."

How do you approach taking a RISK to elevate your career and yourself as a person? 

"My entire life has been a risk. From taking a year off in between high school and college to tour, to dropping out of college (multiple times) to pursue touring opportunities, to my current life…I have risked the “norm” to afford myself the life that has shown me the world. I know I have to show up in a big way to make the most of what I have."

What does the word TRUE mean to you and how does it impact your life?

"True impacts my life in a multitude of ways. I’ve always wanted to stay true to myself first and foremost, because no one else will look out or know what’s best for you besides YOU. I also rely heavily on my family & friends, so I’ve always wanted to stay true to them and make them proud of the man I have become." 

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How did you end up in Nashville? 

"The band I previously played for had been rehearsing in Nashville for years. I’ve been coming here more and more, and once I met my lovely girlfriend (who lives here) I made the leap a few years ago."

Favorite thing to do in the city? 

"Besides showing friends around when they visit town, I love that I have a close group of friends from different walks of the touring life who have all relocated here over the years. I love being constantly surrounded by music." 

When did you decide music would be your career choice? 

"I’d like to think that I went all in on music at some point in middle school. It’s essentially all I’ve ever wanted. I signed my first (terrible) record contract at 16 years old, and I’ve never looked back."

Favorite part of your occupation?

"The opportunity to not only travel the world and see places I never thought I’d be able to, but also just the sheer fact of playing in front of hundreds/thousands of people all over the globe. If you would’ve told my 15 year old self some of the things I’ve been able to do, there’s no way I would’ve believed it. I am extremely thankful for what I’ve seen and done in my career."

What are you currently working on and have planned for the year ahead? 

"Hoodie Allen is about to put out a new album, so we’re gearing up for a lot of touring to support that."

Advice you have for someone following in your footsteps? 

"Practice, believe in yourself, and keep pushing. No one will hand you anything, so be a good person and befriend those who help you along the way. Hard work and a good attitude go a lot further than most think." 

Favorite city that you have visited on the road and what about it makes it special to you? 

"There are definitely a few for me that I look forward to. In the States, I am a big fan of the Pacific Northwest, Texas, and most southern stops along our tours. Overseas, there are a ton I look forward to including Amsterdam, Hamburg & London."

What is your most memorable Team Summer memory? 

"I grew up in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, so honestly it’s tough for me to think of summer without beaches down there. I’ll take any excuse I can to go back and visit such amazing beaches that were also my childhood home." 

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