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Tomahawk Charitable Solutions Profile

Tomahawk Charitable Solutions Profile

      Tomahawk Charitable Solutions (TCS) was founded in 2016 in Nashville, TN. The founders of TCS realized that there wasn’t many, if any Special Operations Forces (SOF) & Law Enforcement (LE) foundations in Nashville or the surrounding areas. Considering two of our founders were previously Navy SEALs, we knew that there was an immense need for support & funds within these two communities. 

      Tomahawk Charitable Solutions (TCS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports the immediate and ongoing needs for the Special Operations Forces (SOF), Military and Law Enforcement communities including their families. Through our events and related fundraising, we generate funds that TCS allocates to a select number of organizations that we have carefully vetted and can personally vouch for their highly efficient and honorable utilization of charitable funds. 

       Our focus on the Military and Law Enforcement communities is to provide financial assistance for urgent and ongoing needs. Additionally, we focus on supporting families during and after the fight.

Tomahawk Strategic Solutions works with one other partner to sponsor our Managing Director’s overhead cost in order to run this amazing foundation.


100% of your donation is sent to carefully vetted foundations.


94% or greater of your sponsorship is sent to carefully vetted foundations.

Tomahawk Charitable Solutions 

ALWAYS works to ensure these costs are significantly reduced or donated 100%.


        We believe that our Special Operations Forces and Law Enforcement communities are among our nation’s greatest assets, but also require the most support when tragedy and hardship occur. TCS will always be committed to honoring and supporting our wounded and fallen and their families, so they can survive and reset through difficult and tragic situations, and be better positioned to thrive in future life.

Who We Give To

       Tomahawk takes pride in carefully vetting and personally vouching for all charitable organizations that we support. Each organization must first fill out a Grant Application and send us tax documents before we chose to support them. This allows us and Tomahawk’s extremely generous supporters, to know where the donated funds will go and for what they will be supporting.

       We are very proud to support organizations that are truly dedicated to giving back. There are many charitable organizations out there. However, Tomahawk has seen first-hand the level of effort and support these particular foundations put forward.


Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F) strives to to make a positive and meaningful difference in the lives of SOF families who have given so much for our country and our freedom. They do this by filling in the “gaps”: to provide medical, financial, and other support to SOF members and their families in ways that are often not met through other sources.

All In All The Time

The All In All The Time Foundation fulfills the interim needs of the surviving spouses and children of our fallen warriors: i.e. legal fees (wills, estate management fees, etc.); household & auto repairs, counseling assistance (outside of the military chain) and any other emergency that may arise when the head of household has been killed or injured.

One More Wave

One More Wave is a non-profit that provides wounded and disabled veterans with customized surfing equipment and assistance. One More Wave’s goal is to impact the daily veteran suicide rate by providing the veterans they serve with custom solutions that enable surf therapy.

Warriors Heart

Warriors Heart’s mission is to heal our nation’s warriors through our private, licensed, and accredited resort-style healing centers. They do this by specializing in substance abuse treatment and co-occurring psychological disorders, with special attention to post-traumatic stress, unresolved grief/loss, and moral injury.

Spikes K9 Fund

Spikes K9 Fund aspires to ensure every K9 receives exactly what they need every time. They purchase gear to keep them safer and for peak operations, and they pay for critical medical treatment to help them return to work or live their retirement days in complete health.


SOWW, Special Operations Wounded Warriors, A 501(c)(3) Charity, and a 100% volunteer organization, was formed for the sole purpose of recognizing both active duty and veteran members of our United States Special Operations Forces with charitable outdoor events, family retreats, focused therapeutic treatments, and service animal donation programs.

Hero Hunt, Inc.

Hero Hunt, Inc. provides sanctuary to veterans and first responders who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder and trauma. They promote healing through hunting and outdoor adventures with others who have served and sacrificed.

3rd Group Warrior Fund

The Warrior Fund’s mission is to enrich the lives and support the needs of the 3rd Special Forces Group (SFG). This is done by leveraging resources with and through charitable organizations, friends of the group and other resources as necessary to support those at the forefront of our national defense, their families and alumni.

Keith Walawender, Daysha McGrath, Wally McLallen, and Mike Biller - Founders of Tomahawk Charitable Solutions

Partnership with Journey Risk True 

       We are very excited to be partnering with Journey Risk True! We felt that the partnership was a right fit because of JRT’s core values within the brand. Staying TRUE to your JOURNEY but also taking RISK along the way to amplify and find your full potential in life. We also know that the founders of Journey Risk True are very passionate individuals who not only support but want to help give back to our Special Operations Forces and Law Enforcement communities.

What we look forward to with the partnership...

       With this partnership, we hope to continue to spread awareness about the needs of the SOF and LE communities. We also hope that through this partnership, we will be able to reach a younger demographic and get them involved with giving back to these communities. Through Journey Risk True's blog, we will be sharing incredible stories of those that we have helped through our foundation, as well as people who have been directly involved with Tomahawk. We hope that these stories will shed light on how important our mission is to give back to those in our military and law enforcement.

        In the near future, Journey Risk True and Tomahawk will have different events for our community to get involved with us. We are very excited to create a stronger connection between those who will be attending these events, as well as hopefully make a big impact on our military and law enforcement by raising funds through these events. With Journey Risk True's influence and exposure on Nashville, we know that this partnership will bring great awareness and change the lives of those that Tomahawk supports. We are extremely honored and thankful to be in partnership with Journey Risk True and cannot wait for the great things to come.

What we are currently working on and plans for the year ahead... 

       2019 has already been a great year for Tomahawk. We were honored to donate $400,000 to the foundations we support early this year. These funds were raised by our incredible supporters at our 2018 Tomahawk Benefit back in November. These donations will go towards supporting: traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress, combat injuries, addiction treatment,

       Family foundation workshops and reconnection camp, intensive marriage counseling, Gold Star kids, critical medical treatment for military and law enforcement K9’s, leading-edge gear for K9’s, emergency needs for families, plus much more.

       We also have a big year ahead of us with planning our 2019 Tomahawk Benefit that will be here in Nashville in November. We hope to go beyond and above our donation amount in the previous years. We fully believe that with the help of Journey Risk True and those connected with the brand, we will be able to expand our mission and honor and support those who give so much to our great country.


We are extremely thankful to have such generous and supportive sponsors that believe in our mission. Without these sponsors, TCS would not be able to honor and give back to the Special Operations Forces and Law Enforcement communities.

       "A movement…Tomahawk Charitable Solutions powerfully unites the community of those who serve as our country’s most elite operators and law enforcement, the community of family of those who serve and the community of care providers who serve our injured and fallen with the community of grateful citizens."

      "The Tomahawk Charitable Foundation makes it possible for all of us to serve, care for and support our community."

Paul Frankenberg - Founder and Managing Partner of Focus Search Partners, LLC

       "I feel truly blessed to have been a meaningful part of some great charities in my life. Board membership, corporate steward, humble volunteer, etc... I mention that only to say that I even surprised myself with how instantly attached I have become to your cause. The work that you support and the commitment that surrounds this effort is truly special!" 

       "I haven’t been able to put my finger on it yet, but I think that it has something to do with the people involved, the people that you support, and the miraculous change that you have been able to achieve at Tomahawk. You’ve got a recipe there that I sincerely hope becomes as contagious and infectious as it’s impact on Erica and I."

       "Believe me, I know that these efforts don’t come together on accident and I want acknowledge all the hard work it takes to funnel 100% of your donations out of the organization, but I just can’t help but wonder if you are all having fun at the same time! It appears that way, and I feel truly blessed to be able to commit to being a small part of your continued support in the community that you serve."

- Jon Pierce

If you would like to get directly involved with Tomahawk Charitable Solutions, make a donation, or get more information about their 2019 Tomahawk Benefit, please contact 

Managing Director, Daysha McGrath



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We appreciate you taking the time to view this article. Every Sunday morning we will be releasing new blogs highlighting individuals that are connected to the Nashville Community. Sharing their stories while on their path in maintaining daily purpose, living up to their personal standards by leading and raising the bar, for themselves and their peers. In addition to we will release articles that are connected with Tomahawk Charitable Solutions with information on the organizations that they support and personal stories from individuals directly involved with TCS. 

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