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Tomahawk Charitable Solutions Partnership

Tomahawk Charitable Solutions Partnership


       As a young aspiring former athlete I have always been interested in gaining knowledge behind the mental aspect in the military. In training camp for many pro hockey teams, the organizations will send their players to learn just how rigorous the training is, specifically Navy SEAL training. The players see first hand the mental strength required, the passion for a career that involves very little if any recognition, and the sacrifice for a greater good. Representing those ideals is what our brand wishes to support.  

       Accordingly, we are proud to announce that we have partnered with Tomahawk Charitable Solutions, a Non-Profit supporting the immediate and ongoing needs for Special Operations Forces, Military, and Law Enforcement communities and their families. When establishing Journey Risk True Lifestyle and Apparel, one of our main priorities was to find a charity that we connected our brand with. We also wanted to work with a charity that was in their beginning stages, similar to our position. To build a relationship and grow together. We are confident that Tomahawk Charitable Solutions is the correct fit that we have been searching for. 

       Our goals for this partnership with Tomahawk is to help generate awareness from our following, raise funds from our products that will be donated to Tomahawk, collaborate in future events, and build a strong relationship into the future. 

       We have many close acquaintances who serve in the military and are employed in Law Enforcement. Those connections further confirm our desire to show our appreciation for the critical work and sacrifice these individuals make every day for the betterment of our communities and country.  


       Another bonus to this partnership is the location that we are established in. With Tomahawk located in Nashville, TN and with a large majority of our following and focus in the city of Nashville, we feel we can expand our influence to build a stronger community in this electric city filled with supportive individuals. From supporting the military, to supporting the Predators we are looking to create a stronger connection between these polar opposite careers. For myself as a former hockey player attending the games and witnessing the special applause to recognize and appreciate a member of the military for their service is a humbling experience. To see 18,000 fans stand and give full attention and thanks towards one person. I believe this is a connection that we can build stronger and continue to influence the city of Nashville and surrounding states in a positive way, while gaining respect and awareness behind our company, spreading our positive message. 

       We are extremely excited and thankful for this opportunity to partner with Tomahawk Charitable Solutions. We are passionate, charismatic individuals that want to help focus on a specific cause that we strongly back. We strongly believe we have found that with Tomahawk Charitable Solutions. 


Follow our socials @tomahawkcharitable @journeyrisktrue 




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