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KEEP GOING - Ryan Johansen

KEEP GOING - Ryan Johansen

When I was 16 years old I nearly quit playing hockey. I didn’t even get in the line up around 15 games that season out of 60. When I did play, I didn’t see much ice-time. It came to a point that I no longer loved the game I grew up playing. At the same time that I learned to walk, I learned to skate. It was all that I knew, and I was ready to throw it all away.

As a teenager it is easy to fall when you are faced with adversity. Luckily, I had a strong supporting cast including my father who told me to Keep Going. He always believed that I would catch a break and get my opportunity to show the skill that I knew I had. It was just a matter of time.

A few months later one of our top players had a season ending injury. This opened up an opportunity for me to receive more playing time. In the playoffs I was an impactful player and proved my worth. 2 years later I was selected 4th overall in the National Hockey League Draft.

From that point on, I have continued to Keep Going. Embracing all challenges and good times that I am faced with, taking them head on. 

Today I am 28 years of age. I have played over 650 regular season NHL games and am one year away from playing in the NHL for a decade.  

The next time you think about giving up on your dream, your passion, the countless hours you have dedicated to your craft, no matter how tough and challenging that time may be for you, no matter your age... Think about a 16 year old kid about to give up on his dream of playing in the NHL. With his dad holding that career on by a thread. To just 2 years later that dream coming true. KEEP GOING

– Ryan Johansen 


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Journey Risk True symbolizes values and purpose that we should constantly evaluate and pursue: 

Stand for what you believe in. 

Take necessary risk to improve your life. 

Stay true to you and your loved ones.

Be relentless and never give in.

Live by the standard and you will always obtain your purpose.


This represents more than just a collaboration of two brands. It is a shared identity of two individuals that have overcome difficult times and climbed their way to the top of their respected professions. Telling their own stories.... KEEP GOING

@journeyrisktrue x @headdowneyesup

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